Percent of adults with no personal doctor

Measure Overview

While working to ensure that all people have access to affordable health insurance coverage is essential in providing an entry point to the U.S. health care system, it is only a first step in ensuring that individuals receive needed care. Regular interactions with the health care system and, more specifically, with a personal doctor, are essential for building trust in the system and to addressing any known or acute health issues with a physician who also knows a patient’s history and background. Regular visits also serve as a means of prevention for any health-related issues that, when left unaddressed or untreated, could result in unnecessary and costly ER visits or hospitalization.

State Health Compare provides annual, state-level rates of the percent of adults with no personal doctor. Estimates can be broken down by four race/ethnicity groups (African American/Black, Hispanic/Latino, White, and Other/Multiple Races) as well as by education level. This measure is based on data from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) public use files.

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