Authored by SHADAC researchers and produced for State Health & Value Strategies (SHVS), this issue brief highlights strategies and tools that have led to prior successful U.S. efforts to achieve high childhood vaccination rates and identifies how these strategies could be applied in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
This blog looks at the revised child vaccination measure on SHADAC’s State Health Compare (SHC) web tool. This measure presents state-level rates by race and ethnicity, health insurance coverage type, and poverty level. In this blog post, SHADAC researchers highlight key findings from this new child vaccinations measure by race and ethnicity and type of health insurance coverage.
This SHADAC issue brief found stark disparities not only in the share of subpopulations that have been immunized against COVID-19 in Minnesota, but also in the length of time it took vaccines to reach most people in these different groups. The analysis also looked at vaccination data by categories of geography and sex, and for children separately, as vaccines for their age group were developed and authorized later than for adults.